Curriculum Values

Curriculum Values

Curriculum values are important! It is your responsibility as a parent to instill and train values in your child. Since the curriculum will be one of the biggest ways the student receives information, it is important to use a curriculum that supports your goals for values.

Often the most efficient places to start is to decide between a secular or Christian worldview curriculum. The reason this is important is because it is a question of whether you want your child to be taught there is a God or there isn’t a God. Once that decision has been made, it makes your search much easier.

If choosing a curriculum with a Christian worldview, you will narrow your search so it is easier to know what to use. Currently, you will not find a Christian worldview in online charter schools and online school district options. There are some online private schools, online curriculum, and other options that intentionally or unintentionally teach there is no God, so research is still needed in those sources. You will find a Christian worldview in online Christian schools and several Christian publishers’ K12 curriculum.

On the other hand, if you want a secular curriculum, online charter schools and online school district offerings are a good place to start. These options usually provide academic assistance, but also stronger oversight. Although there will be less cost than other options, the curriculum values will be similar to public schools. There are some online private schools, online curriculum, and other options that intentionally or unintentionally teach there is no God, so research is still needed in those sources.

You will often find options with a Christian worldview to hold older traditional values from a Biblical perspective. Most of the mainline options are similar because they focus on character building, which lets parents and their church handle more doctrinal and controversial issues. Many Christian educators feel there is barely enough time in K12 to conquer character building, so leave doctrinal issues where they belong–with parents. However, some research may still be needed between Christian options for specific issues. For example, some parents may feel characters and teachers portrayed in the curriculum should adhere to a certain dress code, so would be an issue to research. There might be some curriculum options that would be a better choice in that example. Some options supply curriculum to more cultures and groups than others, so are more sensitive.

Unless you go with an online charter school or an online district option, you will have some costs. Do not let that discourage you. Review Why Homeschool Tuition Is A Value.

  1. Homeschool State Requirements
  2. Evaluate Parent Commitment That Can be Applied To Homeschooling
  3. This page
  4. Curriculum Methods – DIY to Online Schools
  5. Homeschool Evaluation – Regularly Re-evaluate!