Homeschool State Requirements

Homeschool State Requirements

It is best to check your homeschool state requirements directly with your state’s Department of Education website. Link below. This avoids missing any recent updates or misinterpreted information. Homeschool legislation is introduced in some state legislative sessions each year, so it is also good to check for updates. Some states also allow the school districts within their state to have additional requirements. Some states have very minimal homeschool state requirements.

In general, most homeschool state requirements will cover at least these two areas: Annual registration and achievement testing.

Registration is often very simple and will require a form to be mailed or completed online, usually before homeschooling begins or early in the school year. Make sure you do this on time! Some states will ask about your plans for curriculum. Some are concerned with the number of days learning will take place.

Achievement testing is required in some states. Most will just accept copies of test results. One state has more stringent requirements, such as requiring a certified test proctor be present when testing. Some only require achievement testing for certain grade levels. Some online schools provide in-home online achievement testing, while others schools may provide booklet testing as part of their tuition. If you use curriculum without using a school umbrella or online school, you will have to locate achievement testing services for homeschoolers, which often range from $25-$50.

Homeschool state requirements vary! They range from none at all to several. for homeschool requirements. provides links to state Department of Education websites to quickly find the information you need. Most online schools or accredited homeschool programs will have information about what is needed in your state.

Once you have reviewed your homeschool state requirements, review these pages next:

  1. This page
  2. Evaluate Parent Commitment That Can be Applied To Homeschooling
  3. Curriculum Values Compared To Your Values
  4. Curriculum Methods – DIY to Online Schools
  5. Homeschool Evaluation – Regularly Re-evaluate!